Worlds Largest Foreskin???

Long foreskin looks disgusting. Its like some sort of deformed slug! Get the scalpel out and be done with it.
Long foreskin looks disgusting. Its like some sort of deformed slug! Get the scalpel out and be done with it.

Yes, people should mutilate themselves just to make you happy.

The sooner circumcision is outlawed around the world the better.
Bit of a random thread considering none of the links work..

If you've got the "worlds largest foreskin" Its not because you've tried to turn it in to some sort of handbag.

It's because you were born with it. Otherwise it's the "world's largest stretched foreksin"

I don't agree with cutting for anything other than medical reasons.

This isn't the 1950s any more.
Went to a club recently and they have contest nights on occasion. This night they offered a $100 prize for the longest foreskin on a soft cock. I was surprised at the number of guys who offered to show their skin . It was in San Francisco so there was no surprise at the number of exhibitionists who pulled out their cocks for a measuring. The longest measured 2,6 inches of extra ski from the mushroom head tip inside to the end of the foreskin overlay. The guy was European and in his mid 40's. He delighted the crowd by stroking himself hard and was 7.5 inch erect and his skin still was covering the tip until he slid back the skin to show it. He got the prize and numerous requests to be invited home for a personal night of play! i love contests!