Resident Evil 4 OG Achievements Were Freaky
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
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Today we continue our journey unlocking all the achievements/ trophies for the Resident Evil games.
Today it is Resident Evil 4 2005 which has 12 Achievements.
This video documents the journey of unlocking them all, enjoy!
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Needing a mental health break for sweets and and soda and cat love after regenerators.....yep seems about right! XD
It was extremely necessary 😂 I was warned about the regenerators but that was the first time I seen them in full force 😳
Thanks for watching !
@@houseofsten The truffle shuffle hahahaha
Wow i haven't seen anyone use "XD" in years, that brought me back to elementary school even more than RE4:og itself
@@boogiebong420 shush
This channel is criminally underrated, 6k subs with content stretching up to 100k views is crazy, please keep up the content because you have something special here and I could watch these videos for the rest of my life, I really like the fact you show in detail all achievements rather then most other channels that only show the 1 main storyline run and barely show the clean up achievements, like your RE2R The Ghost Survivors video, your the man
what if me and u got freaky and it was called resident freaky
Ahh man, thank you so much. This comment hit me in the feels. I really appreciate it.
As long as people are enjoying the content, then I'm a happy man 🫡
I'm glad you enjoy the style of the video too. It's all about the journey of unlocking the Achievements. I'll show the good, bad, ugly , fails, funny bits but if i can I try and give a quick overview of the story. Introduce some characters, enemies, how they work and give as much context as I can about the achievements and even some tips if I can.
Alot of videos these days just be like " I completed this", "did this", done that" and I have no idea about the game or the achievement/trophy haha. Just shows it popping.
But we all have our own style and preference and I'm just glad people are enjoying mine!
But again, thank you so much for the support and time, I appreciate it massively 🫡❤️
@@houseofstenNo worries mate, honestly please keep up the grind, you really are the man, my comment was purely honesty and I would normally have something to critique but I really don’t, the content is absolutely perfect as it is and I’d love to see more videos for the years to come, I could listen to you smash out achievements all day long while I’m grinding for mine, with this style and humour you’ve literally struck gold, realistically now it’s just patience and soon enough you’ll be on 100k subs, with some more popular games like branching out and I can guarantee the views will constantly come in, I’ve seen many RUclipsrs with big subs over the years doing the same content and your the only one I’ve ever wanted to subscribe to because it’s just perfect, the way you present yourself as a personality is top tier and is one of the biggest reason why your videos are brilliant, basically just 45 minutes of pure gold, 6k subs is still 6k subs and you should be proud of your craft, no lie your actually the best I’ve seen so far making this type of content which is why if you keep this style up and don’t change anything I think your going to be massive one day, look after your self mate and I hope you have a great day
I'm simultaneously disappointed and thankful that unlocking the Handcannon wasn't an Achievement for this version of the game LOL. I have like 135+ hours across different versions of the game since the original GameCube release, but just the thought of unlocking the Handcannon still stresses me out to this day
What exactly do you have to do to unlock the handcannon?
GG on the hours though 👏
Thanks for watching !
@@houseofsten 60,000+ points on all four stages with all five characters in Mercenaries
I only stress over trying to get 5 Stars with Leon due to your best weapon being the Riot Gun.
Leon has to try a lot more when compared to everyone else, who has at least 1 thing that allows them to keep up a combo consistently from multiple ranges.
@@DilosEkensit is luckily a fully upgraded riot gun, at least the firepower is, so it’s pretty decent. Still nerve wracking to take on the mega chainsaw guy. Should be able to stun lock him and take em out in like 12 shots tho
The handcanon is not fun yeah. Mercenaries is honestly insanely ruthless in the original, most due to it being the introduction of chaining enemy combos.
The problem is, it focuses too much on handgun ammo
Finally been waiting for this one!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Let’s get it started!!
16:06 the cultist said "to die is to live!" In spanish.
Ahh thanks for letting me know. At least I helped him with that! 😂
Killing zombies? Nah, I'm here to get rid of the chickens.
Gotta hit that protein goal somehow💪 🤣
Thanks for watching!
You're mad funny lol subscribed for sure.
@@houseofsten Sten. To confirm, do you go out and about and knife domesticated chickens for your own protein gains?
Ahh separate ways. Like DMC 3 special edition gotta love the days when a reissue/remaster of a game added entire content packs just because 💜
Hell yeah, the good old days haha.
Ain't played DMC, feel like I've missed out on alot. Hopefully get to pick it up some time in the future.
Thanks for watching 💜
Another awesome video Sten, so glad i found your channel
Thanks Smithy mate. Glad to have you on board! ❤️
Damn been looking forward to the next vid man!!
Thanks my man. Sorry to keep you waiting. Should be uploading more consistently now 👍
Appreciate you 🙏
I really like ur vids so it’s sad you don’t have more views!! My friend thought your code Veronica video was hilarious!
Appreciate the kind words. Even just having a few people watch my vids make me happy. As long as you all enjoy it, I'm a happy man 🫡
Thank you so much!
Thanks for providing us another great video!
But thank you for taking time out your day to watch it! I appreciate it 🙏
One thing I can congratulate both xbox and playstation is their trophy system. Both gamer points and the different trophy types are very satisfying to unlock and look at.
It does give a little dopamine buzz when it unlocks!
Thanks for watching 😁
I love achievement hunting videos, but your channel has to be one of my favourites, I love the way you edit and stuff, keep up the good work!!
Thank you so much! That means alot.
Glad you rate the content so highly. Will certainly keep it up.
Thanks for investing the time to watch the video and comment 🫡
just spent a day binge watching your videos, keep up the good work theyre so engaging and enjoyable 👐 the way you format them is just so incredible and a lot of youtubers should follow your steps
Ahh that's awesome. Thank you so much for the kind words. That means alot. Glad you enjoy the style!
Took me a while to find but I'm glad people enjoy it.
Thank you so much ❤️
Great video man your always a great watch ❤
Thanks casual, appreciate it my man ❤️ thanks for coming in clutch with the RPG recommendation 😎
Off work and can watch my favorite RUclips creator rn
Wooo let's go.
Enjoy brother and have a great weekend 😀
I've been dying to see this video!! I still haven't finished the game myself 🙃
Hope you enjoyed it !
How far through are you ? Are you going for the 100% completion also ?
@@houseofsten I'm at the part where I just had my first encounter with Krauser. For completion, I hope one day I'll be able to get them all, since there's only 12. I have 7 right now. I think the hardest one for me will be the bottle caps achievement. Those mini games are difficult for me :P
It's really nice to see this version verused the remake. Congrats on the achievements!
Looking back, i loved this version alot. id definitely rate it higher upon reflection
Looking forward to you doing this all again for Remake ! 😂
It never ends 😢 haha.
Hey, I recognise that the achievement logo profile pic 😎 🪡 🧵
Thanks for watching mate!
Im so excited for this. love the videos keep doing it!!
Thank you so much! They will definitely keep on coming 🫡
love your content good tips and really enjoyed watching them all you are better at RE than I am might just try for 100% em all
Thanks man. Appreciate it.
I'm not the best RE player by a long shot. If I can do it, anyone can!
Good luck with your quest for the 100% 😎
First time watching, great vid!
Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it !
"leon realizes the locals are hostile" missed opportunity to say "the residents are evil"
Maybe next time 😂 i get roasted for my puns most of the time
Loving this series bro, that one dude was right your channel is criminally underrated I never knew achievement hunting with a Geordie accent was so entertaining 🤣🤣🤣
Thanks mate! Appreciate the kind words.
Haha, achievement hunter + a geordie sounds like the start of a bad joke 😂😂
Glad you enjoyed it though mate. That's enough to make me happy 😁
Thanks for watching!
18:31 so here's the thing, the game has a couple of annoying glitches in hd that has been baton passed for some ungodly reason for about ten years.
One of them makes the shooting gallery actually painful to do, the explosive glitch.
So when you shoot an explosive or something explosive knocks you back, it'll cause your reticle to go berserk and you'll never be able to hit a consistent headshot.
Not a big deal in base game, BUT IN THE SHOOTING GALLERY.
You only get one blessing, the sniping set also gives a grenade to fix this.
That said, the fact they never fixed for ten years is frankly not ok
Ahh dang, that sucks. I dunno if that happened to me a few times now that I think about it.
Shooting gallery was already painful enough 😔
RE4 was the first Resident Evil game I dared to play myself.
Great Video :)
I had a lot of fun. Must admit having alot more fun on the remake though. Both are awesome !
Thanks for watching as always ❤️
By far the best game in the series, you are the GOAT of achievement hunting.. fair play to you bro.
Thanks man, i appreciate it!
I did really enjoy this but must admit I am loving the Remake even more!
Still a great game though
I love the crash bandicoot music you used
Thank you. It's the best !
Loving the final fantasy music
Thanks man. The music is banging.
Appreciate you watching !
Honestly I've beaten this game so many times that I even incorporated some speedrun strats (that are easier to execute) into my gameplay to breeze through harder or more boring parts.. It makes the game a lot more fun and engaging
Awesome stuff. The only thing I did strat wise (by accident) was the room where ashley has to knock the wall down. I just sprinted to the console, commanded ashley to do it and covered her with the striker then ran 😂
Thanks for watching !
Striker Glitch is iconic. Haha
Got a new subscriber keep it up
Thanks man. Appreciate you taking time out of your day to watch the content. I appreciate it 🫡
On the regenerator part, guess you and I are the same, we kept miscalculate the leaping distance when blowing off the Regenerator's leg lmao
haha, they are scary as hell man. absolutely hate them
thanks for watching :D
The hardest part wasn't getting Ashley or defeating the bosses, but escaping with the damn jetski
Yep, I think I did actually die the most there 😂
Don't trust me as the getaway driver 😇
6:50 was such perfect comedic timing
Just my luck 🤣
didnt shat my pants this vid because it was so good also this was the first re game i completed ever scince i completed every mainline one
sten sees ine guy speak spanish : hes casting spells !
Woohoo. That is an achievement in itself. I did enjoy the game, It's so good. Remake is *chefs kiss*
Thanks for watching my man. At least we can stop buying diapers now 😂
Unless my next vid makes you shit your pants 😵💫
@@damianthyechozen That spell part was hilarious 🤣
brooo at 30:54 i was screaming "grab the controller!!" because that whole scene is nothing but botton presses haha and btw, if you decide to play the new remaster which im really hopin you do, the regenaradors are even more terrifying
Haha yep, it happened a few times throughout the playthrough 😅
I'm doing the remake now actually. Was prepared for Quick time events and there wasn't any !
I can confirm the regeneradors are much more scarier too 😂
It's a fantastic game though !
@@houseofsten sir you be telling me spoilers hahaha but i was the same, i went through the whole game on edge just to find out the only quick time events are just dodging during fights. in all honesty though, i feel like the new re4r is probably the best remake or remaster imo
oh and do me a solid, at the end of the game when you see your progress, look really close at the sticky notes on hunnigans computer, theres a slight little easter egg there
d-did you say 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂?
I did 🫡 thanks for watching
The dog comment was so true from you haha
Yes Mavi!!!! 💙
No matter what i did while trying to get the bottle caps, none of them would unlock, id get a perfect score and still nothing. I have to cheat in the end to get the achievement
Ahh dang that sucks. I would of lost my mind if it didn't unlock after going through that grind. Glad you managed to get it in the end.
Mine unlocked fine. Just had to not smash my controller 🤣
Thanks for watching !
Worst achievement in the game I feel you man I got it by the skin of my teeth
Regenerator giving deep hickeys 😂😂
2:53 what percentage of players i am if I didn't even realize that was a dog on that route on my first playtrough
You're all good! I'd say it's more if you saw the doggo and let it suffer 😔
"HOS: That's criminal damage
also HOS: *commits burglary while breaking and entering*
I plead self-defence.
I was just saving dogs and shooting chickens 😁 They threw axes and molotovs at me !
I played this game so much I can’t help but try to speed run it every time I play it
A few have said that!
alot of people like to do challenges on it. I know there are some mods that make it so much harder too. dunno if you have tried those out before?
thanks for watching!
Yet another classic in the series out of the bag(including the 2023 Remake after this video). Wait a second, the achievement 'S is For Stylish'... It felt like an obvious Devil May Cry reference; DMC1 was one of the many prototypes to RE4, and Dante was also known as Tony Redgrave(during the DMC1 Manga's events). There's also a gothic atmosphere, a rival character who serves as a boss(Krauser/Nelo Angelo!Vergil), and the occasional femme fatale(Ada/Trish). It all adds up.
Ooo fantastic. I haven't played DMC myself, but piecing things together like that was great to read.
Onto the next RE game !
Thank you so much for watching and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it 🙏
The fact you had the patience to do this game's mercenaries... damn.
Re4 remake is provoing to much harder !
@houseofsten in base game yeah, but the mercenaries is so much easier
Loving the crash Bandicoot music. Is this a hint at the next series? Great videos, dude!
Hey man, thanks for watching!
Crash Bandicoot has always featured in my videos, awesome music from those games.
I do plan at some point picking up the Crash games. Coincidently, it has just been added to game pass so it may feature sooner rather than later. Definitely at some point though!
thanks for taking time out your day to watch the content, i really appreciate it
rule no 69 of og re4. NEVER use punisher around ashley.
I'll keep note of that for the remake 😂
If you're good at aiming (or have a rifle on ng+) you can shoot the church bell and end the right earlier
I was going to do that on the remake but yeah with new game, i didn't have the rifle.
It's an awesome touch though!
Thanks again for watching
Hell yeah good luck playing the remake of this game
It's an awesome game for sure ! Thanks for watching dude
man, i love this game so much, i have bought it like 4 times XD (gamecube, wii, 360 and Xone)
That's awesome! It is a very good game.
I tried to buy it for 360 too but the store was being too buggy. Trying to look into getting it for VR also
Thanks for watching !
Noice! Another one down! 👍
Hell yeah!
I'm enjoying the action-packed ones compared to the slower, older games.
Thanks for watching !.
I can live with the fact you called resident evil 5 an okay one. It’s not bad but yeah it’s not great. However if you love 4 you kinda have to love 5. Since 5 is just COOP re4 basically xD glad I found this series because I’m currently doing the same thing as you, I’m working backwards though, all newer games done 2 versions of 6 almost done. 3 versions of 5 done and 2 versions of 4 done. Both RE1’s done in left with resistance, RE zero 360 and one, and finally code Veronica. It’s been a lot of fun, except 6, it’s just, painfully long.
I actually find RE5 an awesome game. Just an OK game in terms of it being a Resident Evil game. After doing it , i must say, it actually was so much fun and im gutted its finished haha. The versus is still shit though.
Nice man, sounds like youve done a good grind yourself!
Keep it up and thank you for watching!
I remember playing this on the ps2 and when leon says after the bell "something has happened to these people here" my dad who was on the couch just yelled YOU'VE JUST KILLED 30 OF THESE VILLAGERS AND THATS ALL HE HAS TO SAY ABOUT IT!
Dunno why but it was one of the funniest moments of my life as i was thinking the exact something😂
Hahaha love it, I use to watch my dad play re1/2 og and hearing him screaming and panic while i watched him was the funniest thing ever.
Thanks for watching!
@@houseofsten no worries mate I subbed last night, keep it up
You should also try to complete the dead space games
Definitely want to enter the dead space realm at some point. Dead Rising also!
This one is quite easy to 100% but I definlty had a hard time with the lights sections with the bugs. I did die a few times since I was overun alot of the time
Yeah, it can get manic there! The power of editing I can make it look like I cruised through there 😂
But yes, doing re4 remake I realise how much harder that is in terms of time constraints and number of saves etc.
It's set me up well for it though !
Thanks for watching, appreciate you taking time out the day to watch my content 🫡
@houseofsten np nice to see you taking a look at the original had a lot of playthrough for this game
I remember the only achievement i had left for it was just shooting the lake
Saved the hardest til last I see? 😅😂
You going to get it for the completion ?
@@houseofsten I already have the OG RE4 HD 100%. Even gaining a maniacal laughter of joy after I finally unlocked the Handcannon and finished the Island section afterwards with this thing
Props for doing Professional on Costume 1.
Thank you - I was tempted to use the knight outfit for Ashley but decided to fight through it!
thanks for watching :D
@@houseofstenI really. Really don't do that. Mostly because it's agonizingly slow
1998,a year i will never forget
The year of bingo !
Thanks for watching 🫡
We demand frequently uploads!🤩
I will, I promise! Had quite a few grindy games on the go I had to work towards which has eaten up alot of time.
Most are behind me now though 😎
Thanks for watching!
This video is nice!!!
Thanks man!
So are you ❤️🙏
The worse part about professional I found was the quick time events not working properly - especially the bridge when being chase by the giant Salazar statue!
A couple people have said that actually. I didn't have any issues with them I don't think. A couple have said its due to the 60 FPS so its not registering your buttons correctly or something.
Guess i must of been lucky and it worked fine.
Did you manage to do it in the end?
thanks for watching!
@@houseofsten after many many tries, I found solution by laying controller flat on desk them furiously jabbing the run button with my finger! 😂😂🙈🙈
It’s a shame as I really enjoyed it on professional, but that bit was really bad.
salazars bite attack always screwed me over, and i was playing on an emulator (because i was saving up money for the remake) so the controls were.. less than good
Haha I didn't expect it to be an insta full attack, especially after doing 2 QTE's
I could imagine how painful that was for you on an emulator 😅
I like when you play Final Fantasy music.
Amazing music! Always featured on my videos. That and crash bandicoot!
Thanks for watching 🫡
2:57 Exactly😂
Theres a few people that do leave the doggo to suffer :( apparently makes the el gigante fight easier becuase he doesnt get health back from the cutscene or something
As a player of the Wii remake, I thought Luis was pretty handsome. I see now that wasn't the original dev's vision, they wanted him to be a wretched hook-nosed gremlin! XD
I legitimately didn’t realize how small a channel you were. As many people have already said, it is criminal you don’t have more views and subscribers.
Thanks man. I'm just happy putting content out there that you enjoy. That's all I need to be happy 😁
Appreciate you all taking time out the day to watch it and comment.
Thank you so much.
Also, halo videos are coming soon ! 🫡
@@houseofsten Well if that's the case, I hope you have your Library card, you'll need it heh
Looking forward to the RE4R one, personally prefer it to the original. Mercs is a blast, too.
Im loving the remake at the moment, it's amazing.
That and RE2R are up there for me.
Thank you so much for watching and joining the discord !
Did anyone else hear "he's called Ashley Graham"?
Does actually sound like I say that 😂 i think i may of trimmed off the "s" when trimming the audio together
You sure Pesanta and by proxy U-7(?) (same character BTW, I just forgot the name of the variant Leon fights) were removed from RE4R? I swore I saw her in there. Maybe I'm misremembering.
I was sure I didn't fight it. I just looked it up now. Apparently, they changed it so they are in the separate ways DLC. Which makes sense as I haven't done that yet on the remake.
Thanks for letting me know though and taking time to watch the video. I appreciate it !
What's the music that starts at about 18:00 when you're describing the shooting ranges? I feel like it's from a game I just played, but I can't seem to place it.
Never mind, it's one of the Vampire Survivors tracks. It just took me a minute to remember.
Yep, vampire survivors. I haven't actually played it but I heard my dad playing it and the music on that game is absolutely banging haha.
Thanks for watching
@@houseofsten Is it ever. I swear the music is part of the addictive process that keeps me playing it! lol
yeah apparently we're her biggest threat
Yep! Multiple times 😂
@@houseofsten lol 😂
Best version of Leon.
Agreed, Thanks for taking time out your day & watching !
@@houseofsten Thanks for taking time out of your day to make jokes that could get you cancelled and make videos that are entertaining.
How did you beat Salazar statue running qte on professional on Xbox series x
I think it was just the same as it was on standard difficulty. I don't recall having any problems with it. Just a case of beating the QTE , shooting the lock, going through the door then doing the next QTE. I did all of professional in one 13 hour stream so I was glazed by the end of it so I can't really remember 😂
Thanks for watching 🫡
On 60 fps it is basically impossible i can't beat the bridge i have been trying for hours
fun fact the title should be 4 resident evil from the logo
You can't actually kill the dog that's stuck in the bear trap, you can shoot him and then he just runs away as if he wasn't stuck in the trap. Also U3 is in the remake just not in Leon's campaign.
Ahh OK, thank you 😊
I haven't done the Seperate Ways DLC in RE4R yet so that makes sense.
Thanks for letting me know and watching !
@houseofsten ahhh damn, I didn't mean to spoil it for you, my bad.
@makel920 you're all good man! 👍
For my Steam achievement I have 11/12 the last one is impossible. I am talking of course about the shooting range. The final level.
Good luck with that. Great effort also.
The firing range is a nightmare. Don't forget you can move and readjust , that's what I was forgetting for the last one. And I only beat it by hitting 5 shots in a row for the salazar bonus. You got this 💪
You know I hardly play multiplayer game right now beacause im doing re0 and the whole series aswell but I’m really excited for rev
How are you finding re0?
@@houseofsten what do you mean
@@Wailcurryhe means how do you like re 0 so far
I highly recommend Resident Evil Dead Aim 😂
Thanks, I'll look into it ! 🫡
14 million copies… and I’m 6 of those
Absolute legend. I'm a humble 3
regenerators have an hp bar. They can be killed normally
But why would you waste a ton of ammo if you can just shoot their parasites? 😑
You are wrong mate headshots do 50000x damage idk why shoot their body
Thats why people never shooy them in the body and the parasites bc they do like 0.1 damage
@@vuktosic709 I have tested this theory out and now my cat drives a combine harvester
They have like 120-150 hp if I remember right. Really you can blow out front parasites and then just douse them with a few shotgun shells or about a dozen tmp rounds and it'll kill them.
5:49 actually, it's a parasite 🤓☝️
@@houseofsten Never mind, it's just a little mistake)
I wanna point this out there but you can also buy code veronica on ps4 and xbox one itll be the og ps2 and og xbox version but it still has trophy dont know why no one knows this is mind bogleing
thanks for sharing
@houseofsten your welcome just wanna see some veronica gameplay xD
@@WhoAskedAboutMe I already have a video on it
@@houseofsten wait for reals oh my bad i was going off the intro thats shows all the ones available on the ps4 and 5
Im on the same quest but om to lazy. This one is good for reasonable achievement
Yeah it was definitely a nice break from some of the longer ones. Where are you up to with the games?
Thanks for watching
fuck now I have to start grinding for re4 achievement's I still haven't beaten the game yet and already you done the achievements
Luckily they ain't too bad. The remake is alot worse haha.
Its a great game. You'll enjoy it!
Thanks for watching 🫡
@@houseofsten true I might need to fix something in my pc to make it run so I don't have to play it on the laptop with 15fps
We slowly approach the infamous re6...
Btw, you NEVER suplexed them, how sad
Almost there
And I did, 42:27!
@@houseofsten great mb !
@@minatonamikaze6400I did have to remind him about 100 times to do the move. Took him to the island to actually suplex. 😂
Bullets are so fucking slow in the remake
Yep, the last 2 I remember being the most annoying 😅
7\10? Where's my pitchfork?!
In hindsight, i should of gave it an 8 but it was fresh off the back of just doing professional.
Ill be doing a tier list once i finish all the RE games so ill maybe revaluate my decision :D
thanks for watching!
Unrelated topic but I always wondered why the Spanish cops in the original and the remake had no weapons whatsoever?
Plot armour isn't strong enough :(
@@houseofsten You're right lol
Are you going in order of all of them?
I guess, he did completed 1, 2 remake and 3 remake
As much as I can. I should be doing Revelations 1 before RE5 once I finish re4 remake but due to the length of its completion I may release RE5 first.
But we will see !
Non canon games will just come out randomly.
Thanks for watching 😁
You know what, if beating the Mercenaries for that Handcannon doesn't count as achievement, I don't see why it's so common to treat the achievements as a completion %.
None of the games seem to have achievements for mercenaries for some reason.
I'm not entirely sure why.
Thanks for watching!
i just played this for the first time today, they fucken stun locked me in the tower with molotovs 😭
That nearly happened to me too haha. I was so confused when molotovs started flying in.
Hope you have fun and enjoy it though!
Thanks for watching 😁
I just completed the og mw2 on Veteran
Nice! How did you find it ?
I love u sten 👨🏽🍼
I love you too!
Can someone tell me when he is gonna stream on twitch cuz it never tells me when I’m followed and notifications on
Twitch notifications suck but if you join the discord from my channel links, you will get updates on there 🫡
Thanks !
7 out of 10 7 out of 10.
I think I'm heartbroken. 😢
Well, Sten, actually, I think you'll find your video is just bad. You refer to Leon being infected with a virus throughout. Actually, he's infected by the plaga. 😮
For anyone reading this, I'm being incredibly sarcastic. Plague/Plaga/Virus...know one gives a damn, so don't be that loser who comments about it. 😂😂😂
Another banger, Stennifer. I just hope I can recover from the attack on my beloved. ❤
Maybe... I'm farming engagement from you because I KNEW that would bother you haha.
But no, you are right. Some reason in my mind virus/parasite was the same thing while editing. I blame the syringe they used 😂
If mike had helped me more and the I didn't burn myself out doing it all I'm 13/14 hours it may have gotten an 8 😂 but I'm sure alot of these games and reviews will change when I end up doing the tier list at the end !
Thanks as always sir burge ❤️
@houseofsten You included the truffle shuffle clip in full, so all if forgiven and forgotten.
Wait. Seriously, cannot even use your own emotes? How silly is that!
@preston1959 You got me, P Man. I've infiltrated the group to spread hate. Haha.
7/10 for both this and the RE1 remake. Kids these days, smh.
How many hours do you spend doing these???
Good job though👍
The games or the videos? Games can vary, but I put the completion time at the end of the video
The videos take many hours 😂 probably like 30-40 hours at least. Maybe even more. It could be quicker but I'm always going back and changing stuff etc
Thanks for watching 😁
any tips for professional? thats the only one i need to get.
Hey mate, Yeah, if you are doing the OG. Upgrading the TMP was the play. I didnt bother with a shotgun until i could get the striker. I didnt upgrade it though, i just used it more as crowd control to knock people back.
Handgun I used the Punisher you get from the merchant request. its pretty good.
Stingray i just upgraded the ammo when it was running low to fill it back up and upgraded the damage here and there.
RPG's, use the one you find in the church against verdugo when he freezes, buy another one to kill the two garradors. as soon as you walk them in, just shoot the floor in the middle between them both and they will insta die.
then buy the last RPG for the final boss fight.
The only part that gave me real bother was the part with Mike. The beginning section when he first comes is a pain in the ass, the hitbox on the guy on the turret is horrific, but if you rush to the hut below him where there is an archer dude, jump down that window/ledge and you'see see a gate with a lock you can shoot open and then run,, go underneathe the tunnel to the left (i think) then climb the ladder and run into the building, youll get a checkpoint.
reading that part you'll probably not understand but when it comes to it, it will make sense haha.
Good luck either way and thanks for watching my video
I highly recommend getting all of Terraria's achievements. I just finished doing it and it was very satisfying
Thanks for sharing, I'll take a look into it. Always looking for new games 🎮
Good luck on resident evil 5 because the braindead ai will make ur life torture on professional
Thanks mate. Luckily, I've brought a friend this time 😁
Not gonna lie, you sound, Irish and British at the same time because when you said for fucks sake, it came out with a bit of a Irish accent
Born in Scotland originally so might be a bit of that haha